Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Nerve Of some people

Okay, let me start by asking where do they find these people, Okay so I'm at work yesterday and my co-worker comes up to me and ask "Hey, when is your wedding again?, I answer March 27... not thinking much of it, then she says ohhh wow, that's funny because i putting in vacation for the 29th and I'll be out a week,"i booked a cruise last night that leaves on wed. the 30th... (omg), now i know you are thinking and.....

Let me explain on my job vacations are given by who's been employed longer and i was hired six months after her, so she's knows that if she puts in for her vacation that it will bump mines!!!

She had the nerve to ask was i returning on that Monday after my Saturday wedding(excuse my language but helll no!!! ) I 'm going on my honeymoon to relieve some wedding planning stress from people like you (haters). I cant believe some people... First off i plan to take three weeks one the week before the wedding, the week after for my honeymoon and then one more to clear up things and enjoy a few days before i return back to work...

Well I'm not to worried because i spoke to my boss and she said there's no way she would deny my vacation.... But can you believe the nerve of some people...

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